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UI / UX Design


User Thought Process 

We Serve app is designed with compatiablity in mind for nonprofits and students. Students can navigate through the app with ease as they look for a volunteer organization. Students can access a calender on the app. The calender can be used to remind students when their volunteer oppourtunity is coming up or to access the reminder page. A filter is used to navigate throuhg the organizations and find oppourtunites within. Nonprofits can access the app to add opportunites with the click of a button. With easy access to the app nonprofits can add or remove anything they wish, whether it was more information or maybe the date changed for a volunteer opportunity.

Prototype Screen Statement

Each screen is set up in a way for students to understnad and navigate easily. As a result students can find an opportunity with the click of a button.

Icon statement

The icon was made with an abstract thought in mind while using the aspect of people and love. Volunteering uses both aspects. The abstract glyph keeps the icon simple but relatable. The colors are the background of the icon are svsu blue with a hint of grey to add some dimension on a flat icon. 

Title: We Serve Prototype App 

Concept: We Serve is a potential app designed based off of clients specifications. The potential app is designed for students and community members. 


Description: Phone interface app

Discipline: UI/ UX Design 

Programs: Adobe Illustrator, Invison and Photoshop

Mockups provided by Graphic Burger

Color Rational

Each color used in the development of the app was to based off of SVSU's color scheme and the design standards of the school. SVSU blue was used as a background color and used as accents as well throughout. SVSU red was used as small accents to break up colors. The colors used most are Blue and grey with black and white.


BLUE: C: 100 M: 77, Y: 35, K: 21

R: 0, G: 54, B: 99 

RED: C: 0, M: 100, Y: 79, K: 20

R: 179, G: 23, B: 52

Client Interview

The vision from the client is an app for students and communty members to engage in volunteer opportunities easier. The use of filters for easy navigation was emphasized for students to pick and choose which volunteer opportunities within specified groups. The client’s goal is to make the app an easy and great tool for students and also community members to use when either needing to post an opportunity or volunteer. 

FrontHOME copy.png

Usability Test

The test was preformed in person and with an SVSU named Sarah. During the test it was clear the app was organized in a user friendly format. According to Sarah everything seemed to be streight foward. Positive aspects of the app are the calender and filter. Both are benifical to the apps organization. A question asked was what do you think the app could improve on? The response was to make the calender smaller to show the whole year and then click on the month to show it closer in detail. This is because people can see more months further out rather then scrolling down. Another question asked was what is a feature not included that you would find benifical? Sarah thought a check-in burron to sign up or in for the volunteer opportunites. This reason because it is easier to see from both parties to keep track of volunteers and who is showing up to each event.




Sarah is a student at Saginaw Valley State University and volunteers occasionally. When discussing an app to make finding events easier she thought a calender and a filter would be the best additions to an app. An app in the first place would make it easier anyways. There are so many people on camous looking to volunteer so this app would make it easier and better for the community memvbers to post events they need help with.



Brendan is a student at Saginaw Valley State University and volunteers occasionally as well with other organizations. An app is a great idea so volunteer events can be found and plenty of voluteers can be found. A way to organize the apps would be easiest way and user friendly.




Justine is a consitant volunteer at SVSU and thought the app would be a great idea. She emphasized the importance of a calender and each volunteer opportunity should have information included such as age requirments or gender specific for women’s shelters. She said having specific profiles for either coordinators or volunteers would make more user friendly. 

color and person.png
color and person2.png
icons: sketches.png


Final Icon

icons: sketches.png
icons: sketches2.png
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